Keerthy Suresh announces her next: ‘Kannivedi’, a women-centric tech thriller


Mumbai, July 16

National Award-winning actor Keerthy Suresh, who is currently riding high on the success of 'Maamannan', has announced that her upcoming film is titled 'Kannivedi'.The actress took to Twitter to share the news along with a slew of pictures from the pooja ceremony to mark the beginning of the project."Here's to my next, #Kannivedi. Need all your love and support. @DreamWarriorpic @ganeshraj @RakshanVJ @namikay1 @madheshmanickam @eforeditor @SaktheeArtDir @prabhu_sr," Keerthy tweeted.The film  directed by debutant Ganesh Raj, is touted to be a "women-centric tech thriller".Bankrolled by S.R. Prabhu and S.R. Prakash Babu's Dream Warrior Productions, the film was launched earlier today in Chennai. The actress will next  be seen in the theatrical release 'Bhola Shankar'.


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